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THE BOOK(so far)

Nora Waite, the debut novel from Amanda P Minaker was a NaNoWriMo 2013 Winner! Check back for new books and updates. Check out the novel facebook site and Ms. Minaker's tweets. Happy Reading!

Nora Waite


Nora is on a journey to marry a stranger; a match made for her by her aging missionary father before his untimely demise. Her husband-to-be, a complete enigma, soon provides her with a house and comfortable life but will he provide her with love she longs for?

A young man, independent and shy- Nora meets him on her way to California and they begin an instant friendship. Why does she dream of him?

Her childhood best friend, Georgianne- a beautiful socialite who will help her navigate her new life in surprising ways as they share their secrets of marriage and motherhood.

Will Nora finally find the family she seeks?

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